While walking the streets of downtown Nashville on our final day in the city, we decided to walk off the beaten path. We wondered down a few side streets, scanning the shops for souvenirs, and eventually decided to address our hunger. After a quick pit stop at a Jack Daniel’s themed shop, my attention was turned to a sign sitting on the sidewalk outside a small dive-bar type restaurant.
Seeing this, and knowing that I’d have to blog about wherever we stopped next, I knew I had to challenge this sign. If the “Best Sandwich Ever Invented in Life EVER” was inside, I was going to have to see for myself. I walked in the door, ordered a tall glass of root beer, and tossed in an order for the “Hot Ranch” wings at the suggestion of the bartender.
The wings had a very distinct taste, just as their name implies. The ranch seasoning had a spicy kick to it, and the sauce from the wings drizzled its way down onto the home-cut fries, dousing them with the same rich flavor that made me fall in love with the wings. In all honesty, these little chicken drummies would have been reason enough to return, but the sandwich that soon made its way in front of me was an entirely different story. First, let’s start with the anatomy of a “Piranha sandwich.”
Judging from the black-board chalked to the max with images of this monster, I knew I was in for a full meal, so I took a full-on “Man vs. Food” approach, and prepared myself for battle.
Look at it. It’s a thing of beauty. A mountain of homemade coleslaw made with just the right amount of spice to accent the sweetness, six strips of bacon, a pile of homemade, hand sliced french fries, a massive slice of provolone cheese, a fried egg and a massive stack of capicola. The capicola was a new experience all to itself, as the salami style ham not only had a kick to it, but an unbelievable sweetness and juicy consistency. The slaw was absolutely unbelievable, and as you can see from the picture, the centerpiece to this puzzle of savory splendor. As a Midwest carnivore, it was a pleasant surprise to see something other than meat taking a center stage for once, especially since it did so with such grace. The grill was right behind the bar, and watching the owner/cook take such pride and have so much fun throwing this MONSTER together was almost as much fun as actually eating it. I can honestly say that in all of the places I’ve blogged on, Piranha’s was my favorite place, not only for the food, but for the overall experience.

“Breakfast Shot”
1/2 shot Jameson Irish Whiskey
1/2 shot Butterscotch Schnaps
1 shot Orange Juice
1 strip Bacon
Speaking of the experience, immediately after finishing our meal, we were greeted with a “Breakfast Shot.” Try it sometime. You won’t regret it. And if you ever make it down to Nashville, TN, you best find your way into Piranha’s for one hell of a meal.