News Comment #5

In Christy Rakoczy’s article, “The US gender wage gap is narrowing, but women still face higher poverty rates” on, Rakoczy uses a lede that doesn’t really capture the interest.

The title of the article is what had originally caught my attention, but then Rakoczy uses information from a year ago, 2016, in her report that she wrote September 12, 2017.

Aside from the slightly outdated, but possibly most recent, information available, the article presents good statistics that back up her title.

Rakoczy tells us that the change from women earning $0.796 in 2015 to $0.805 “for every dollar earned by men” has been the most significant change since 2007.

In the poverty statistics side of her article, Rakoczy tells us that “women have a 2.7% higher rate of men in all age groups.” This tells us that we still have a lot of work to do when it comes to equalizing men and women, but despite the poverty situation, we are starting to make advances.

Read the original article here.


  One Response


    This is probably the most recent information available, Sondra. This informaation isn’t available immediately. Just consider all the agencies that have to report the data. Then analyze it. Then make sense out of it.

    It’s also possible it is only a couple months old. The financial year for government and a number of agencies ends June 30 (mid year). So again allowing for time to analyze…

    fuglsang - September 25th, 2017 at 10:00 pm

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