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Filed under: Uncategorized — Sarah at 2:55 am on Monday, September 19, 2011

In the first article entitled “What’s ‘manly,’ what’s not for athletes” the writer talks about the different standards that people have in terms of athletes and non-athletes. One point brought up in this piece was about how Tony Romo chose to miss some time during the football season to be with his family. Some fans thought that him leaving was very unmanly and that he should have put his football career before his family.

In the second piece “The Televised Sports Manhood Formula” it discusses a lot about the host and narrators of sporting events. One of the main things that they bring up is how most of the hosts for sporting events are white males. They say the same thing for commercials. Another point they brought up is that when females are hosting/commenting they only have short time fragments, or they are accompanied by men. In this article they had a lot of statics to support these facts.

There also was a video about the 10 most creative hockey goals. In the video the announcers are male and yelling with excitement.

I think that the first article did make a good point about how fans have double standards when it comes to athletes. I think that they should be supportive of their decisions. The second article I disagreed with a little bit. Part of it said that they usually don’t have black men announcing but in the shows I watch, such as the NFL today, there are two black announcers. I do agree though that many of the sports aired on TV are the sports that guys play. They don’t usually air games that are part of the WNBA. In professional wresting they do focus a lot on the fights outside the rings because they are more exciting that what happens inside, that is another point that they made.

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