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Liking What You See: A Documentary

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sarah at 10:10 pm on Sunday, September 4, 2011

“Liking What You See” is a story that focuses on a type of discrimination of sorts called “look-ism.” The article is saying that now days we place so much enfasis on what people look like that we can never really get to know what people are like because peoples beauty or lack of it gets in the way. This is the reason for “Calli.” It is a tool that works on peoples brain so that when they see people they can not tell whether or not they are attractive and therefore they form relationships with people based solely on personality alone. Throughout this piece many arguments are presented both in favor of making Calli a requirement at Pembleton and against it. Tamera Lyons is one of the main participants in this article. She was raised with Calli and got it shut off when she turned 18. In the end after many arguments were presented for making Calli a requirement it did not become one. Overall this piece was just about people in a way judging a book by its cover and not for whats on the inside or what that person might be capable of.

To me Calli seems like a way to avoid who you really are. I think that we should all learn to accept ourselves regardless of what you like. By using Calli you are just hiding from what you don’t like. Everyone is different and I think that, that is something that we should learn to embrace and not reject by trying to make everyone the same. The article did make a point when it said that we judge people a lot on what they look like before we even get to know them. I admit that it’s wrong to do that but trying to make us less judgmental by “hiding” is not the answer in my opinion.

There is no way that they ever could get the world to agree to Calli so no matter what there would be judgement somewhere you went. I think that the best way you could try and make people less judgmental is by encouraging them from a young age to get to know people before you make assumptions about what they are like. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so why would you want to use Calli? If you used it you wouldn’t have the ability to see what you find beautiful. Basically I think Calli is making us blind to the world around us. Differences are what make life exciting, why would you want to deprive yourself of that excitement?




September 4, 2011 @ 10:37 pm

I definitely agree on your last sentence, being different is a huge and exciting part of life. Why just go through life being the same as everyone else? You could possibly miss out on having fun.



September 5, 2011 @ 8:31 pm

I agree so much with some of the points you made and the way you presented it! It’s not all about being beautiful to other people or anything, it’s what you find beautiful and accepting things the way they are.

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