News Comment #1

Russia Rejects Calls for Investigation of Navalny Poisoning by Andrew E. Kramer (New York Times)

The article is basically about the “poisoning” of Alexei A. Navalny and its investigation. Navalny is a leading opposition figure in Russia who is against Putin. He got sick during a flight from Siberia. Russian doctors said that he had a metabolic disorder that was caused by low blood sugar, but Navalny’s family still wanted to have him moved to Germany. There, doctors found out that he had indeed been poisoned, although they are not sure what exact poison had been used. Tests have shown that chemicals were used that are usually being used to treat Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. The German chancellor issued this in a statement and added that Russia should investigate. Other countries like France and the US support Germany’s position. But the lack of evidence for a specific poison that had been used on Navalny, the Russian government rejects any requests like that saying that they don’t understand why everyone is so keen to use the word poison as the substance hasn’t even been identified. They also denied a pattern of poisoning or getting rid of other important Russian opposition figures.

This article started with a description of what has happened throughout the last few days concerning the Poisoning of Navalny. Then, it kept jumping between statements from a Russian spokesman and mainly German doctors and the chancellor. It also included a statement from an American spokesman as this article is in an American newspaper. It seems like Peskov basically just kept repeating the same thing over and over again while just changing the way he said it but not the actual content. As far as I could tell, the author was pretty objective. He didn’t favor any party, statement, or opinion in this article.

Who is Carter Kratz?

Carter Kratz is a current student at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa. He is a senior and he is majoring in business. Carter came to Morningside to play baseball. His position is in-field and he is a Yankees fan. He lives off-campus in a house with four of his fellow baseball players. Carter has a younger brother and two dogs who are black Labrador retrievers.

Carter was born and grew up in South Dakota. For one month every year, he lives in San Diego as he loves beaches and the ocean. “If I could live anywhere…it would be San Diego”, he added. Carter plans on moving back to his hometown after college. When asked about his favorite city, he said:”Sioux City is OK.” He added that it is a good place to go to college. But he has never left the US. “If I wanted to go to the beach, I could just go to Florida”, he explained. He mentioned that he would like to visit the Oktoberfest in Germany if he were to go anywhere outside of the US. “I’m sure I’d get my ass kicked at the Oktoberfest”, he commented.