rbm001's blog

My new game
March 16, 2012, 2:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I decided to buy a new game called Assassins Creed.  I’ve actually had this game for a few months but never really played it until now.  It is a fun game that you have to sneak around and kill people in.  You can also get a horse so you can ride around much faster and you can also listen to people’s conversations to get new information.  It is a fun game and the fact that it is in a series is really cool and I like to play different series.  You can get different weapons as you go along in the game which is really cool because you get them taken away at the beginning because you betray the empire.

I enjoy this game because of the stealth factor in it and because it has a good storyline.  You have to assassinate different people in the game and that is what keeps it going.

Hello! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the good work!

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