Today marks the two month anniversary of the start of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Already, the clashes between police and protestors are occurring. I don’t know why Bloomberg didn’t realize that by ejecting the protestors out of Zucotti Park he would reinvigorate the movement. The movement was already splitting into factions (the Daily Show had a pretty funny piece on that here) and the onset of winter would have likely driven the protestors out on it’s own. Instead Bloomberg used force and gave the movement a new focal point. When people have a clear enemy, they react more effectively and boldly. Now the protestors need to reclaim lost ground and are willing to fight (so to speak) for it. It will cause more skirmishes and more photos and videos of police beating and arresting unarmed Americans. Somebody just tossed a canister of gasoline on the Occupy Wall Street fire and now the media is swarming in. It will be interesting to see whether the Occupiers will be able to keep up the impetus of being kicked out of their home base. Or how long and far police are willing to go trying to suppress the movement.

One Response to “Occupy Wall Street: The Revenge!”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    The BBC offers a more neutral overview than you would get in most American media. I’ve seen a bit of criticism of Jon Stewart for not being supportive of the movement. I though Samantha Bee’s piece tried way too hard to create a wedge issue.