News Comment #8

October 20, 2011

This is messed up. I understand that humans have a tendency to not get involved with problems, but it is so much more visceral watching it than reading about it. The story reminds me of the case in New York, where a woman was raped, in front of dozens of witnesses, but nobody lifted a finger because everyone thought that some one else would call the police. I guess the main differences are that the Chinese were literally walking right next to a bleeding, comatose CHILD. I don’t really know how this is news, other than it shows how cold humans can be and the fact that it shocks the shit out of me. Every time I watch this, I hurt. Here’s a link to a slightly less edited version of the video. Notice that at a certain point the kid reaches for a cyclist, who doesn’t even notice.

2 Responses to “News Comment #8”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    How much of the focus on this video can be traced to anti-China bias, I wonder. People die in hit and runs every day; this one just happened to be taped. Why make this one a big story? If you have been following the story, the good news is that someone has been arrested. WHat he is charged with will make for more interesting stories.

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