September 17th News Comment

This article talks about how senate Republicans are trying to fast track a vote for the new Justice of the Supreme Court after the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

This article does a good job of being objective, even though with an article this politically charged it would be extremely easy to be subjective. It does take a few digs at Republicans but it always backs it up with something that the Republican said that proves there hypocrisy.

I found it annoying how there were a couple of times that it would say something and then it would say the exact thing again as a citation.

This whole ordeal is rather worrying because as stated in this article if the Republicans can get a Conservative Justice appointed by November they could mess with the election results.

I find it sad at how much hypocrisy there is in the American political system. This article only lists Republicans but I have seen the same type of things having been said by Democrats before as well.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on September 23rd, 2020

    A good comment. I saw a couple of examples of the quote comment. I call this “stepping on your quote,” giving it away before the source says it. It’s possible the writer here just wanted to cover all the bases, but it’s not helpful.

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