Profile Anecdote

Long ago there was a boy from Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. The boy is named Ngomboko. He was a very good student throughout his school years. He got the good grades, he ended up with a decent job, and he got to marry the perfect woman. What more can a man ask for? Well, for Ngomboko, living in Africa just wasn’t enough. Everything changed once he moved to America and it is for the better. He now has a purpose; teaching students to aim for success. His name was Ngomboko, still is actually, but that isn’t what he gets called here in America. Here, people call him Lawrence.   

One thought on “Profile Anecdote

  1. There’s more than one paragraph here, Makaelyn.

    This isn’t a “story” yet. Was there a specific moment he decided Africa wasn’t enough? What was going on? If there wasn’t a moment for that, maybe describe the moment he decided coming to America might be the answer.

    Another possibility: What/when was the moment he realized teaching was his purpose in life?

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