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Article #1 — AI & Therapy

The following is a conversation between an employee and their therapist. All names have been blocked out.

Growing up, the idea of having therapy online seemed futuristic. However, today a majority of my therapy is done online. Maybe not through artificial intelligence (AI), but through video calls on platforms like Zoom. In contrast, my younger brother Landon, who is 14, has been immersed in AI from a young age; from schoolwork, to daily routines, to practice, AI is everywhere. I plan to explore AI, which was once a distant concept, and how it has become an integral part of everyday life. As well as how AI has evolved from its early conceptual stages to its widespread use in education and personal life, and what this rapid integration means for future generations.

The Turing Test is one that many people know the name of, but can’t pinpoint what it is exactly. 

In 1950, Alan Turing became famous for his measure of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior known as the Turing Test. It was in his seminal paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” that the Turing Test was brought to the world.

That conversation from earlier, is still a conversation between an employee and something they consider to be their therapist. However, the therapist isn’t real; the therapist is AI. Here’s the unedited image, with the employee’s name still blocked out.

While AI therapy isn’t in the near future for most, there is the possibility that many people struggle with their emotions and know that they need help. The idea that someone can get even a trace of the help they may need at little to no cost to their bank account is scary to both individuals and their therapists. 

A conversation with the on campus therapist, Bobbi Meister, revealed more. She said that in her limited experience with AI, she fears people will miss that human face to face connection. “I like having that presence,” she said, emphasizing things like the human ability to empathize with each other. She also focused on the nonverbal things like facial expressions, vocal tone, body language, and empathy. Although she is hesitant on AI being used for therapy professionally, she did say, “if it is someone’s last resort, it would be better than nothing.” She was very adamant about people getting the help they need, however that may be.

Miester did have a few concerns about therapy AI. Her main one was what would happen if someone said that they wanted to harm themselves. Human therapists are trained to tell authorities when something along those lines is said. She said that the only way anything along those lines could be detected is through real people who have the ability to judge emotion; be it face to face or through a camera lens. 

Going back in history again, the Logic Theorist was one of, if not the first, artificial intelligence program designed by humans to mimic human problem-solving abilities. A computer programmer by the name of Cliff Shaw also helped in the development of the program. Developed by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, the Logic Theorist. Newell and Simon proved that the program could prove theorems similar to how a mathematician would. They did this through putting their families through some math problems, to which the program would learn.

In conclusion, the journey of AI from early concepts to its current presence in areas like therapy illustrates both its promise and its challenges. While AI can provide accessible support for those in need, it raises critical concerns about the absence of genuine human connection, especially in mental health care. As highlighted by therapist Bobbi Meister, the nuances of empathy and nonverbal communication are vital in therapeutic settings. The integration of AI into our lives, particularly for younger generations immersed in technology, presents an opportunity for new forms of assistance, yet we must remain vigilant about maintaining the essential human touch. Moving forward, finding a balance between the convenience of AI and the irreplaceable value of human interaction will be key in ensuring that everyone receives the care they deserve. In this evolving landscape, the importance of fostering authentic connections cannot be overlooked, even as we explore the benefits of artificial intelligence.’s_Logic_Theorist_Historical_Background_and_Impact_on_Cognitive_Modeling

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