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Sketch #1 Draft (First half roughly done, emphasis on draft!)

The following is a conversation between an employee and their therapist. All names have been blocked out.

Growing up, the idea of having therapy online seemed futuristic. However, today a majority of my therapy is done online. Maybe not through artificial intelligence (AI), but through video calls on platforms like Zoom. In contrast, my younger brother Landon, who is 14, has been immersed in AI from a young age; from schoolwork, to daily routines, to practice, AI is everywhere. I plan to explore AI, which was once a distant concept, and how it has become an integral part of everyday life. As well as how AI has evolved from its early conceptual stages to its widespread use in education and personal life, and what this rapid integration means for future generations.

The Turing Test is one that many people know the name of, but can’t pinpoint what it is exactly. 

In 1950, Alan Turing became famous for his measure of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior known as the Turing Test. It was in his seminal paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” that the Turing Test was brought to the world.

That conversation from earlier, is still a conversation between an employee and something they consider to be their therapist. However, the therapist isn’t real; the therapist is AI. Here’s the unedited image, with the employee’s name still blocked out.

While AI therapy isn’t in the near future for most…

Logic theorist…

Landon interview…


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  1. 3 Comment(s)

  2.   By Chaise on Sep 12, 2024 | Reply

    I liked the beginning of your story, starting with the screen shot really hooked me in to want to know what you were talking about.Maybe switch it up where it says I plan to explore AI, and change it to I’ve been exploring AI. I liked that you gave a bit of history on the Turing test I have never heard of that, then i thought it was interesting to bring back the screenshot with the AI not blocked out. So far seems like you are flowing. I would continue to read.

  3.   By Katelyn on Sep 12, 2024 | Reply

    I really liked this draft! There are so many interesting things to talk about with AI. I like the added picture conversation from AI. I think it really shows you first hand that AI struggles to form emotional connections. The only suggestion I would have is maybe what life will look like for the current generations and not just future ones!

  4.   By fuglsang on Sep 13, 2024 | Reply

    As I said in class, I think you can begin with the dialogue/chat.

    Rather than, “I plan to explore AI…” include a nut graf that makes clear what the article will be about:

    “AI was once a distant concept. Now it’s an integral part of everyday life. AI has evolved from its early conceptual stages to its widespread use in education and personal life, and what this rapid integration means for future generations.”

    Then examples and explanation.

    Transition into Turing. Maybe just make the connection. How is he related to AI? Then transition back to therapy.

    Looks fun so far.

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