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C.I.A. Warning Helped Thwart ISIS Attack at Taylor Swift Concert in Vienna

Pick one news story and make a list of five additional feature–ish stories that could come out of that same event/story. Which one would you most like to do? Why?

Talk with Taylor or her team, ask how they’re doing now and how they feel about upcoming concerts

Reach out to Austrian fans and ask how they feel about the whole situation

Try to get ahold of David S. Cohen to see how he, and possibly his team, feel about how many threats have been going to concerts recently

Reach out to the following concert venues and ask what their plans are for the future

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  1. 1 Comment(s)

  2.   By fuglsang on Sep 8, 2024 | Reply

    With these sorts of assignments, include a link to the story, Maren.

    The second idea was done, I think.

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