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What is a story?

Take a moment to consider the question, “Why do we ‘need’ stories?” Define what a story is, then explain why we need them (or why we don’t).

I feel like we need stories, point-blank period.

To me, a story is an expression of oneself through means of vocal or visual. Visual storytelling has recently seen an increase in popularity thanks to platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. Before those platforms, most of storytelling would be done through paintings, writings on paper/stone, and live performances like modern slam poetry. People tend to relate themselves to stories they hear or see from other people.

Coming from someone who has done her fair share of therapy, we need stories. The best way I found to express myself has been through things like journaling, talking things through, and finding other people who have been through the same major life events. As a society I think stories and storytelling helps us. Not only can it help individuals get to understand each other better, but stories also can help to distract groups of people from other major negative topics. When Covid first started, for example, many students at my high school pointed out the similarities between Covid lockdown and when they would get grounded. The stories about being locked in your room with no access to the outside world made everyone in our situation feel a little more comfortable.

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