- My typical school day starts off with a groggy look at the clock after shutting off my alarm.
- My next step after I drag myself out of bed is to feed my betta fish Flipper, who is a rescue fish that was dumped in another betta’s bowl. All of his fins were eaten when I got him, and he could only flip and roll over. Hence, the name Flipper.
- After I feed my fish, I feed myself to prepare for an educational morning of photojournalism and media ethics.
- I head on out to Bessie, my 2003 Dodge Stratus. Bessie, my loyal steed, always makes sure I arrive safely and slightly late to photojournalism every Tuesday and Thursday morning.
- Next, I arrive at the library where my classes for the day are held.
- After a long morning of classes, I drive home where I first check the mail to find nothing but junk and bills.
- Then, I release the hound Cocoa. She makes sure I never forget about her by barking and screaming as soon as she hears my car.
- Cocoa and I take a load off from our long morning of laying in a cage and sitting through class, respectively.
- Usually, my boyfriend Andrew comes over to visit in the afternoon after he finishes class.
- Andrew and I generally spend the rest of our afternoon throwing frisbees for Cocoa.
My idea for this assignment was to give a general idea about what my average school day/afternoon is like. I think that my photos captured that pretty well, particularly the first one of the clock at 6:13 in the dark with only a lamp. I wish I had a PetSmart picture, but I don’t like going there if I don’t have to. I believe I told an accurate story of what the average school morning/afternoon is like, but I wish I had gotten a PetSmart picture because that is a normal part of my day, too.
After looking over these pictures again and having just experienced my routine, I feel as though I was successful in demonstrating this part of my life.