Michelle's Blog My life is almost as interesting as this theme.

March 26, 2013

Visual Journal

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michelle @ 9:36 pm

My idea for this assignment was to give a general idea about what my average school day/afternoon is like. I think that my photos captured that pretty well, particularly the first one of the clock at 6:13 in the dark with only a lamp. I wish I had a PetSmart picture, but I don’t like going there if I don’t have to. I believe I told an accurate story of what the average school morning/afternoon is like, but I wish I had gotten a PetSmart picture because that is a normal part of my day, too.

After looking over these pictures again and having just experienced my routine, I feel as though I was successful in demonstrating this part of my life.

March 19, 2013

Pictures for 3/19

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michelle @ 1:08 pm



March 14, 2013

Pictures for 3/14

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michelle @ 1:12 pm

Surveillance Theory

Visual Perception Theory

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