I know I’m supposed to tell a story, a day that was happy. Frankly, I can’t do that because I can’t remember the last day I had that was happy. Every day that I’m in college is a bad day because there is always something to do. Even if you finish your homework for the next day, you can always do the next day’s, and so on. I always feel guilty and anxious whenever I am not doing homework or working because I know there is something that I COULD be doing. So, even on days when there is nothing pressing I have to do, they are still not happy because I can’t help but dwell on the work I will have to do later and could be doing at that moment. So, instead of a happy day, I will describe moments that make me happy.
You know, when you wake up 5 minutes before your alarm in the morning and you get to casually wake up instead of being jolted awake. My personal favorite is when I get to sleep in, and the weather outside is cold and snowy. I can stay in my warm blankets as late as I want followed by the ultimate joy: reading for pleasure.
Another little thing that gives me joy is old men with dogs. I know, this sounds weird, but I have heard so many stories of old men who have lost their wives so they adopted an old dog to care for in its last years, as they did for their wives.
Animals in general make me happy, actually. If you know me, you know that in general I dislike people. I would so much rather have a dog or a cat than a human friend. Dogs don’t guilt you if you don’t text them every day; cats aren’t always mad at you because you want to be alone instead of having “girl time.” They are just there, and they don’t judge you. Something that we all, especially me, could learn from.
What else makes me happy? Romantic gestures that aren’t spurred because I ask for them. Summer nights where there is no homework and I can just be the weird girl laying in my driveway with a book about stars trying to find constellations. Seeing that I am doing better than ex-boyfriends (I’m human, don’t judge me.)
I wish I could end this with some theme that pulls everything together or a “Most of all…” with a happy little cliche, but I can’t think of one. So, just a final thought, it makes me a little sad that this post was so much harder for me to write than the post about what makes me angry. I hate my job, I hate school (although I love learning), and even though those are the majority of the components of my life, I need to work on finding the little joys in life more often. People pay so much for therapy, and I just had all kinds of self-revelation for free. Free stuff makes me happy, too.