I believe that people need to be good and moral for the sake of being a good person, not for the sake of some mysterious “God” figure. People are so hung up on “What would Jesus do?” that they forget “What would I do?” If you don’t want to help someone pick up something they dropped, then don’t. If you don’t want to hold the door for someone, don’t. And if you do want to do these things, then do them. Do things to be nice, don’t do things for credit from the J-man. Doesn’t that completely negate the purpose? Isn’t that being a good person for your own selfish purposes? I’m no religion guru, but I know that is not religiously sound thinking.
The world would be a better place if we just dropped this whole illusion of religion and just be ourselves for our own purposes. This way, the assholes of society can just be outright assholes instead religious assholes who judge others because they think they can justify their actions because it’s what “God” would want. I hate those uppity religious fiends who think they are better than everyone else because they go to church on Sundays with their noses in the air and are consistently judgmental assholes. You are no better than me because you believe in God and I don’t.
You can think that I am going to Hell because I don’t believe in Jesus, but honestly, if there really is a God and he sends me to Hell because I don’t believe in him despite the fairly moral life I have lived, I wouldn’t want to believe in him anyway. Why would I worship someone who creates so much pain for so many people and animals? That’s like someone slapping you in the face and kneeling before them like they are your master.
I believe in chance. Sometimes things work out and it almost seems miraculous, but also there are times when it seems like things can’t get any worse. You can’t just look at those miraculous times as proof of God, but then look over the days that suck. Fact of the matter is, some days are good and sometimes luck can be on your side, but other times that isn’t the case. So instead of tricking ourselves into some God illusion as a reason to be a good person and to explain those moments of fortune, how about we be good for the fact that it is right and accept that sometimes luck is just on our side?