Broadcast Story

Socialites beware! A new study suggests that spending lots of hours on social media sites may lead to symptoms of depression. There’s no surprise that The American Academy of Pediatrics has called this phenomenon Facebook Depression.

Susan Sorenson, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, calls the interactions on these social media sites “pseudo-socializing”.

Mrs. Sorenson said, “The interactions users have online, through a computer screen, are not actual interactions.”

She believes this type of socializing may be leaving people feeling lonely and cut off from the rest of the world. Mrs. Sorenson guessed that isolation is a common symptom that researchers are finding. She suggests that limiting the amount of time you spend on these social networking sites is key to reducing your likelihood of getting “Facebook Depression”.

In the entertainment world:

AMC’s top-rated show The Walking Dead is jam-packed with surprises. But even this show has been following one of the season’s trends- amputations. Yes, amputations. According to The Hollywood Reporter some of televisions most watched shows including Grey’s Anatomy and American Horror Story have been brutally chopping off limbs.

The idea is that amputations are horrifying to most people. But not everyone, Austin Bright, an avid Walking Dead fan, says he wasn’t grossed out by the bloody amputation that aired two weeks ago. Instead he said, “It was an educated move. It was the only way they could save Herschel. They had to amputate his leg before it infected his whole body!”

Speaking of survival, we all lived through another election season. This season was bursting with parodies-galore. An article in The Georgetown Independent explains that these spoofs may alter our opinion of politicians.

College Humor released a song inspired by Sigh’s song “Gangnam Style” that featured a Mitt Romney impersonator. This parody, called “Mitt Romney Style” has gone viral.

According to The Georgetown Independent public figures have been mocked since the Revolutionary War. Even Benjamin Franklin printed cartoons that poked fun of colonial officials. In an article called The Palin Effect the author discusses how the SNL parody of Sarah Palin has negatively affected her public image beyond election season. In my interview with Melissa Bubb, a college student and Romney supporter, she says, “I really thought the video was hilarious but it didn’t sway my opinion.”

1 comment

  1. fuglsang’s avatar

    The stories look good, Lauren. Where will your recorded quotes go? I assumed Susan Sorenson was your mom(?), if so that would be good. Record Austin and Melissa. I would just talk to them about the subject and try to get a natural sounding quote, rather than having them read back something they have already said.

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