The story I picked talks about a voodoo store in Topeka, Kansas and how the owner faces some backlash from the community but wants to expand her store and make it a center for entertainment and art in Topeka.

I would maybe start the story with this quote: “She pulls some surprising things out of the air. She can shock you.” The owner of Topeka’s only “botanica” shop has more to offer than voodoo magic according to her sister, Holly Regnier.

This lead could also work: Professionally trained “asogwe” Darlene Regnier is working to make Santeria and Voodoo accessible to followers in the Midwest.

One Response to “New Lead for Botanical/Voodoo Store”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    If you start with the quote you don’t immediately have to go to the explanation. In between you could show what she pulls out of the air, or describe some items in the store. Take the time to build the readers’ curiosity.

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