I just really like Mac & Cheese

Lead Practice: One Dead, Three injured in car crash in Townsville.

65-year-old Moyer Quick died from a car crash, after colliding with a truck driven by Randy Radin in Townsville at 11 a.m. The other passengers in Quick’s car, his wife Dorothy Quick, 6 and Maxine Steuerwalk, 43 were transported to the hospital, with Dorothy in “good” condition, Maxine in “fair” condition. Radin, who was driving the truck is in critical condition.


Patrick Stewert, Highway patrolman said Quick passed Radin’s vehicle, but his rear end hit Radin as he was passing. Both vehicles ended up in the ditch causing Quick’s vehicle to roll. The accident is still under investigation, and the weather during the accident was clear and dry.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    A general rule of news writing is to not start sentences with a number. And in the lead, focus on the first sentence and what people need to know first: A Townsville man died in a two-car collision yesterday on Hwy 20.

    Then, since your audience is probably local, focus on the names rather than how the accident happened. Listeners/Readers want to know if they need to buy flowers.