2019 Kiosk: Vol 81


Letters from the Editors

Refugee Child
Poetry //  Greg Guelcher

Late Night Thoughts
Nonfiction // Bernardo Moreno

The Transience of Pocket Friends
Poetry // Elizabeth Roop

Safer Than Roses
Poetry // Kit Stallman

Shards of Diamonds and Rubies on the Ground
Fiction // Mariah Wills

Poetry // Summer Kramer

The Cold Room
Fiction // Kit Stallman

Giving up my ’96 Chevy Cavalier, and my Relationship with my Father.
Poetry // Alexi Malatare

Leaves of Glass
Poetry // Allison Linafelter

Requiem for Sadako
Poetry // Elizabeth Roop

Nonfiction // Elizabeth Roop

Coffee Mug
Poetry // Taylor Van Vliet

How My Dad Inspires Me
Poetry // Lindsey Smith

Fiction // Leslie Werden

Full Circle
Nonfiction // Marianna Pizzini

An Unfortunate Comparison
Poetry // Kristen Brown

Das Toddesschatten
Fiction // Anthony Glackin

Running Out of Time
Poetry // Paytn Harmon

Sonreír (Smile)
Poetry // Abby Salguero

Beautiful Disaster
Poetry // Mariah Wills

Art Gallery

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