Journalist Jadyn

Personal Narrative

February 26, 2021 · No Comments

I nervously start-off towards table 233, rehearsing my greeting word for word. “Hi guys, I’m Jadyn I’ll be serving you today. Could I interest you in any of our Legendary Margaritas or Ice Cold Beers to start off with?” I can’t forget the three story points! What if these guys are shoppers? I could get fired! I calmly gather myself approach the guests with a big smile and raise my voice a couple octaves. They seem super nice and they ordered some pretty expensive drinks, so hopefully I get a good tip out of this. I just have to remember to go back and check on them in five or so minutes and see if they need anything. Oh great! You have to be kidding me I just got sat again and this time it’s a large party! Table 232 here I come.

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