CupCake Inc.

September 20, 2012

Scavenger Hunt–9/20

Filed under: Writing to Persuade 2011 —— Jordan Jacupke @ 10:03 AM

“…It helps with the tickle” – Jen Dolphin

Taken out of context, this would sound a little odd. But, in the conversation I had with Jen Dolphin of the Registrar’s office, breath mints are a remedy for that little tickle in your throat when you have a cold.

As I approached the Registrar’s office, I noticed two ladies sitting at their desks, working diligently. I almost felt bad interrupting, but I decided I had better ask, “Do you guys happen to have a breath mint I could have?” Luckily, I was met with a smile, and a hesitant, “I have a peppermint…”

It turns out that Ms. Dolphin doesn’t even like breath mints. While dealing with a cold last week, and that incredibly annoying tickle in her throat, she decided that pepper mints were just the thing to help. Ideally, she would have purchased some Werther’s throat lozenges, but in this case, convenience trumped preference. And, after an awkward 10-15 seconds of conversation about how peppermints serve the same purpose as a throat lozenge, I decided to make the journey back to class.

I learned something today: Peppermints, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose…. JUST KIDDING! Peppermints serve as both a tasty morsel to suck on, and a deterrent of the infamous throat tickle.

One Response to “Scavenger Hunt–9/20”

  1.   fuglsang Says:

    Well done, Jordan. Did Jen give you a sideways look when you asked for a mint?

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