CupCake Inc.

January 27, 2011

Pronoun use in Articles–Chicago Tribune

Filed under: Writing to Persuade 2011 —— Jordan Jacupke @ 3:37 PM,0,3684840.column

The article I decided to use was an article that was recently in the Chicago Tribune. It is an opinion article about whether or not Colin Firth is the sexiest actor in movies today–don’t judge me, this is for class credit only. I have no personal interest. At any rate, the author makes compelling arguments using many pronouns: you, we, us, I etc. It works. She really seems to squeeze her way into a role that is not an authoritative figure, but instead just a normal person with a subjective opinion like everyone else. I think she uses a nice combination of her own opinions along with opinions of women that were surveyed on the subject. The bulk of her piece is quotations of other women; it makes the article flow well. It seems to me that maybe Firth is the “old ladies” version of Edward from Twilight. Maybe he’ll have 40 year old girls chasing him down the street in his loafers and sweater.

I can’t write any more; I feel awkward.

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