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Reality vs Society in Sports

The reality of sports: men and women fighting against each other one-on-one or in teams. The social aspect of sports or what society sees them as: men and women up against each other based on sex, race, and ‘strength’.

The top 10, nearly impossible, ‘manly’, ‘heroic’ shots in hockey as shown on youtube, portrayed what society sees in sports; that every player must think, eat, and sleep sports, and if this is accomplished, then that person becomes an idol and a hero. The reality of all of this, that ‘manly’ and ‘heroic’ person just scored a really nice and lucky shot and will never be able to do it again, yet we as a society are going to praise him for all eternity. This, is a very good example as to what is known as a ‘two-faced sport’.

In order to be two-faced, one aspect of life must be shown one way through a person or event, and another aspect of life would be shown as a complete opposite through a person or event. Sports resemble and state a very good description of this exact thing. In the shorter and smaller writing that was done, it states that if a man were to get up and leave just one game to see his son born, he is now no longer ‘manly’ and shall be hated by all. However, if he were to not be on any team what so ever, society would applaud his actions and thank him. This is just another example of not only how sports are leading to a ‘two-faced’ economy, but a ‘two-face’ society rather.

We cannot live this life as a ‘two-faced’ society and only think in a ‘white and manly way’, which is what most social aspects of the world actually think. Being sexist and racist, while being completely, in my terms, idiotic, will just be a downfall on our society, do harm to our reality, and take the way beauty exists now, and completely change it.

So, my question is, what do we do about it?

Cicero and MLK Jr.

“I have a dream.” That sentence is one sentence that really fits both of these, in my opinion, amazing people from history. Cicero had a dream that eloquence would be used everywhere and would either be the down fall or up side to society. His dream was about preserving our ability, as humans, to not only speak, but speak with the up most correctness. At least, that’s what I was really getting from it.

Martin Luther King Jr. on the other hand had a dream about freedom. He had a one day that everyone, no matter the race, would be able to live together; that society would be it’s own down fall or up side when it came to racism. MLK Jr. wanted to preserve our ability, as humans, not to speak well with eloquence, but to speak well about others.

I believe Cicero would be proud of MLK Jr. and his ‘I have a dream’ speech. MLK Jr. spoke with eloquence about a topic that didn’t have anything to do with actual eloquence, but had to do with speaking just the same.

In the reading, ‘Liking What You See’, I was amazingly stunned at how it completely described our world. Tamera reminds of most girls today including myself. All through elementary school we’re only worried about what friends we have, who has a cool lunch box, what snacks can we trade, and what new game can we come up with at recess. Then middle school and high school come up and all we want to do is impress boys with the way we dress, starting to wear make-up, going to dances, etc. Though we, as girls, try to do all this, boys are also at fault as well. Though in this story it only show’s Garrett’s view,  it also shows the views of other guys as well. This view, in short, is exactly like the girls’ as well.

As a society, we spend way too much time, effort, and money on the things in life that don’t matter. If you want to look good, look good for yourself; if you want to dress up, dress up because you want to not because you have to. In life, we have many choices such as these, but in this reading, Tamera made a choice she thought would be good for her, which changed her into a person who was wanting things for the wrong reasons. Eventually, she figured out, and hopefully so do most other people, that if you’re going to do something, do it for the right reasons for yourself, not the reasons that everyone else wants for you.

I honestly believe that this reading not only explains our society well, but also shows that when you do something for your own reasons, and not other people’s reasons, then eventually you’ll just be happy with what you have because it’s not based on others. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when you go for the happiness based on your own wants and needs, and this is what I truly believe.

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