News Comment #7: Stroke Hitting Earlier

October 11th, 2012 § 1 comment

BBC News Health section posted an article today about studies showing strokes are affecting people younger than they used to. The article compares both the United States and the United Kingdom’s rates of stroke and the ages that they happen. BBC uses a creduble source, a doctor from the Stroke Associate to give a quote on the matter. Dr. Clare Walton commented that these strokes are happening younger and younger, before the age of 55, and that they can be prevented. “For example, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting your blood pressure checked can all make a huge difference,” Walton said in the article.

I found this article on the front page of BBC online, and thought it belonged there. Not only is is health related, which is very important to have updates about, but it calls out to younger people to read it. The fact that these strokes give younger people a heads up on their health, a warning to take care of themselves before they face a stroke, instead of after, and provides (brief) ways on how to prevent them. This is a great article, but it should have had more sources and information regarding the studies on the decreasing age of average strokes.

It is important to know what ages these things start happening on average. I wish there was more information regarding how to prevent them, why they happened (for those who aren’t sure what exactly a stroke is), and more information regarding the studies. It would have made the article better and more interesting to read.

Read the article here.

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