News Comment #6: When A Shirt Dictates The Classroom

October 4th, 2012 § 1 comment

We all have the freedom of expression. We can say what we want,  write what we feel, and wear what we decide. However, in lgiht of the upcoming presidential election, one high school student in Pennslyvania was booted form the classroom. Why? Her teacher is an Obama supporter, and the student was wearing a Romney t-shirt. The teacher even compared it to “wearing a KKK shirt.” (I did noticed that the write of the article used “wearing a KKK shirt” as a quote to avoid attribution and conflict in the phrasing!)

The student wore her Romney-Ryan t-shirt to school one day, and upon arriving in math class, she was told to take off the shirt, that another one would be provided, and the the teacher asked her about her parents political opinions.

I was stunned when I read that the teacher laster apologized, but excused her statements as part of a “joke.” It’s not a joke to embarrass a 16-year-old who supports a presidential candidate.

I think I would publish, but I don’t know how news worthy it is. It is an odd, public official case, which may lead to it being news worthy. Some schools do not allow any political shirts or gear (when I lived in Florida during the 2008 election, political material was prohibited in case it caused fights) but this school must not have had such rules in place. the fact that a teacher called her out on her opinions was rude, and I don’t think it should matter what the parents’ or even the student’s political opinion is. The story has interest to the public because it could happen to their own children, it’s current in that it deals with the election next months, and it’s not a commonly reported topic. The teacher was transferred to a different class because of this incident.

To read the full article, find it on MSNBC.


§ One Response to News Comment #6: When A Shirt Dictates The Classroom

  • fuglsang says:

    Free speech rules are different in schools, and districts can set dress codes. This seems really dumb to me, though. I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about this. I would expect FOX to give the student a parade.

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