The Melting Grape Popsicle Race

August 30th, 2012 § 1 comment

I can feel the coolness seeping through the thin wrapper, my palm becoming faintly cold from grasping it. The waxy paper that holds the popsicle is covered in blue rabbits, the logo for the local company, Blue Bunny. As I open the package, it tears easily, revealing a deep purple colored popsicle on a thin wooden stick. As I hold it, I look at the purple colored summer delight. The texture looks like ice shavings, all molded together in a form fit for the width of a mouth.

I put it into my mouth, and the refreshing flavor of grape immediately washes over my taste buds. My mouth waters and I want more. I take a bit into it and realize my mistake- despite doing this same thing all throughout my childhood, I still take a bit and my teeth react negatively to the frozen popsicle. I fear I’ll get a headache from the cold, and slow down my eating.

The popsicle starts to melt. As the juice drips down the side, I realize how sticky the liquid will be once it reaches my hand. To avoid this, I lick the popsicle and start to eat faster. As the popsicle adjusts to room temperature, it seems to melt faster. It’s almost like a race- I must eat faster than the popsicle is melting.

I near the end of the popsicle, and eating it gets harder. The wooden stick that holds the popsicle together when frozen is now in my way. Reaching the final inch of the popsicle is difficult, so I allow it to melt some and slide up the wooden stick. The final bites are some of the best. It is refreshing and flavorful.

I lay the wooden stick back on the wrapper, and I am content after such a delicious treat.


§ One Response to The Melting Grape Popsicle Race

  • fuglsang says:

    Nicely done, Jianna. Good mix of subjective and objective, and it’s easy for the reader to follow the process from start to finish.

    You focus mostly on visual, so be aware when other senses will help you make a connection with the reader.