Sexism and politics

Sexism is the way people see the other sex and what stereotypes they have in their heads. It also deals with men bashing women and making them stay inferior to them. It is important because it is stopping women from getting ahead of the male sex and contributing to the world. The media has a large impact on the way the nation perceives women and men. They control the pictures of the women that we see and the things that they say. It makes the view that we have of the people cloudy and not clear because we do not get the entire story.

The media portrays Hillary Clinton as an old woman that dresses too conservative. She is also viewed as to masculine because of the clothing and the things that she says. The media portrayed her as a mother that is extremely scolding and uptight about the smallest things. When she had Chelsea give up her chair because there was to many people was one example of her being a harsh mother.

On the other hand Sarah Palin was seen as a very attractive woman that wore very sexy outfits. Some sex novelty stores went so far to make a sex blow-up doll that looked just like her with a “sexy” business suit on. Other believed that she would take this race just like a beauty contest and not actually be ready to run the country if she were to win. Most people did not like how she had some many young children at home, and if she won the spot for presidency she would not have enough time with them.

They are prevalent because since the beginning of time women have been inferior to men and it hasn’t really changed. I know that women have more rights and freedoms now but mentally men still believe that women are below them. To me it is almost an instinct.

We should care because some women are not getting the opportunity that they deserve and they might just be able to do the job just as well, if not better, than a male. I believe that I do. I need to stop making sexist jokes and get the stereotypes, which I have grown up with, out and learn that there should be a more equal share of things in the life between a man and a woman. They probably do affect my life but I do not see them in a daily sense. Yes they do affect my future career. If these stereotypes disappeared it will be more of a struggle to get a job, and I can see a woman as a manager or in a boss position hiring a woman before a guy just because she is a woman.

It would matter a lot since it would be the first time, but it would not matter in the decision making. It seems that America cannot do anything right and there is no reason that we should try something new. It might just work. I do see issues with foreign countries looking at us in a different light and maybe trying to take advantage of us.


In our Honors class we have covered many new and interesting topics. They all have been able to keep me entertained and it was always enjoyable to listen to the discussion during class and read others blogs. The last class was probably the most fun because I really enjoy reading about current events. It keeps me up to date with the real world.