Tuesday, September 11th, 2012...2:56 am

Grandview Park

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Since I was a little kid, during the summer I would always be at Grand View Park. I would go there with my brother and my cousins and we would play baseball and all other sports. Also, every year we would go to Saturday in the Park and it would just be radiating with energy and excitement.

Right now, it is 2012, in early September, on a Sunday, mid-morning. I walk across the street from my aunts’ house to get to the park. It’s the most perfect weather that I have experienced in a long time. It’s not too hot or too cold, it’s just right. As I lay in the grass there is a light breeze passing by and oh my does it feel magnificent. When you experience weather like this, for me at least, it always puts me into the best mood. It makes you feel like everything in the world is going right and how could there ever be hate or anything with this kind of weather.

As I’m laying here I hear someone mowing the grass down the road. In the distance you can hear a train blowing its whistle. I can also here the trees sway in the wind.  I am sitting close to a road that is going through the park and only a few cars have passed by. One had extremely loud music playing and it ruined the peace for just a few moments. Just now I heard a fire truck and that lasted for a good five minutes.

I expected more people to be here on a perfect day like this but there wasn’t. I have only seen one lady and she was running but was interrupted because someone called her. Lets just say she didn’t seem too happy talking to that person. When I looked behind me, I saw a squirrel nibbling on an acorn. Sadly at that moment a leaf flew and hit me in the face. I definitely wasn’t expecting that. The grass is dead for the most part due to the drought. Usually though the grass is a perfect grass green and so soft. I have looked behind me a few times and a few of those times the same car, a maroon Cadillac, keeps passing by which is pretty creepy. Oh, now I have seen two people, a kid who could of easily been seventeen in high top light gray converse with a red ball cap on, a crème colored shirt, and forest green shorts just passed by me and waved. I thought that was pretty nice.

The tree that I chose to sit under provided the most shade. If you see it you can tell that it is in older tree. The branches go out far so there is plenty of shade.

The Park Commission back in 1904 established Grandview Park. It was originally prairie land so when it was established they planted over 2,000 trees. Many of those trees are still in tacked today. That means they are over one hundred years old. It’s crazy to think of what these trees have been through and to think if they could talk, wow. The park is also the second highest peak in Woodbury County. Grandview Park is a historical place in Sioux City because it has been around for so long and it is just a great piece of land.


  • This was a great location to describe! Your description seems very peaceful and very detailed. Its interesting to know the history and be able to tie it in with what you see, hear and feel that day. All your descriptions were very literal- maybe try to switch that up a bit. Still, a great job!

  • First off, Hannah, go through and replace some of the yous with me or I. I is fine here, and the description is yours, not what you think someone else will experience.

    My comment for most everyone has been to work on the beginning. Use the first graf to establish a theme. I’m embarrassed to say that the line that stood out for me was the last one: “it is just a great piece of land.” It has connotations.

    But what if that was the focus of the piece overall? You can’t really show me “radiating with energy” because it’s just a fall day. But you can show me peaceful and special.

    You’re a bit too inclusive in the description. I probably don’t need to know that a leaf hit you in the face. Instead, strive to use those details that reinforce the overall theme you want the reader to take from the article.

    In the end, you want every part of the article to lead to one result.

    Look over spelling and punctuation.