Blog eight: Larry Sensenig

The internet is an important tool in today’s society.  When used safely, it can be an all-knowing vat of information, and a great communication tool.  As long as you know the downside to the internet, you can avoid some of the bad effects of the internet.  They say people don’t get enough face to face contact or exercise. Well fix that by cutting down the amount of time you spend gallivanting across cyber space and go for a run, of play a game of football or basketball with some friends. Bam, face to face contact with real live people aaaaaaand exercise.  People say that you can get scammed or conned, well A, don’t put enough personal information on the internet to get attacked and B, don’t just talk to random people and certainly don’t meet with them in real life if you don’t know who they are.  You just have to be smart about you internet usage.