blog five: stuff about school funding

1. I think that they make a good point. school should be more affordable, but at the same they should be careful how they do it.  Law makers don’t want to rush this kind of stuff,  or it will end up doing more harm than help in the future.

2. The “Obama Addresses College Affordability” article was probably more political, because its sounds like it is talking directly about the speech, about what it said and stuff. The other one sounds more like a reaction to the speech, not really telling what it was about.

3. I wouldn’t mind getting increases in the amount of money available to normal college students, I’m just worried about where the government will get the start-up money.  I mean, once kids start paying back those loans, they will be alright, its just, where are they gonna get the money to start this whole shindig up?

blog four: political music

The first reading about how rap got started was fairly interesting, because i never knew where rap originated and how political it really was.  I don’t really listen to rap, or know a whole lot about the history or early popular artists, so it was kind of fun to learn those sort of things.

In the second reading, I kind of agree with the statement “it is impossible to prove whether or not music is political.” There are some songs that are directly political, and I am sure there are some songs that have a sort of second meaning that is political.  I personally can’t say one way or another because I am not great at figuring out the meanings of songs, unless it is obvious or someone tells me.