blog two: Elder

not entirely sure if there is something specific to blog about this time…. so i suppose that i will just blab about what i read?

so Write Thompson goes to a friends house, and brings some famous pizzas.  then he tells the story of how the restaurant got started.  how it was a bar first then the owners were selling pizzas as appetizers and then got into selling a variety of pizzas. he talks about the strong family ties to the restaurant; the workers pass their jobs down to their children.  he goes on to talk about how he and his friend’s family devour the pizzas and about how they are amazing.

the second reading is about how he goes to a friend’s house, and they pull out a special bottle of bourbon.  it was the guy’s late grandfather’s hidden bottle of Jim Beam, he would sneak a few sips of it over three decades. wow that’s a long time for one bottle.  the bottle reminds people of different things.  it reminds the guy of his own late father, and about the possessions of his that he owns. pretty intense article

Blog One. De Vega

To answer the first question, the situation could go both ways.  No the guy shouldn’t steal from the Doctor, the Doctor has the right to profit from his discovery.  But at the same time, the Doctor could have a little compassion and let the guy set up a payment plan or something.  His wife was dying of course he would do what he could to save her.

Ok, so after reading the article, I think I answered closer to the little girls answer. But at the same time, I think that my logic is closer to that of the boy’s.  I said the man should not steal, but the logical thing for the Doctor to do would be to sell the drug on a payment plan.  He could charge interest and make more money. The Doctor needs to look at the situation as a profitable experience, instead of just letting the woman die.