Lead Exercises
Tuesday September 18th 2012, 3:47 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Lead Exercise Erin Ponder


The anonymous donator has been revealed. The late Robert T. F. Ho of Quick Stop Laundry located 390 Fifth Avenue donated $11,000 to build a playground. The parks and recreation of Sioux City have confirmed the building of the park today. The rides are going to be educational. The play ground will consist of a Hanging Gate where children can climb inside and be pushed around; there will also be a SuperSlide for the younger children.  The SuperSlide will have a shorter ladder so the tiny boppers won’t have to climb the very tall slide and risk falling off.

“Robert always enjoyed watching the kids play in the park across the street. He felt sorry for the kids who had to wait to use the equipment, especially the little ones.” Said Mrs. Ho on her husband’s donation. Mrs. Ho approved his name be revealed to the public after his death, which was two days ago.


A robbery occurred at BJ’s Drug, 450 Stanley Street, last night around 8:30. Two men parked a car outside the store, leaving the motor running. The men were wearing ski mask and demanded money. While one of the men held the owner, Barney Joseph Jr., 43, 1625 11th Ave., at gun point while the other masked man took roughly three hundred dollars from the cash register. The robbery took less than a minute and a half to complete.

Joseph called the police right after the men had left. This year marks the 25th anniversary of his father’s death. Barney Joseph Sr. who was shot while his store was being robbed. “Yes, Dad resisted, I guess.” Joseph Jr. recalls on his father’s death. “They found him shot to death, his own gun in his hand, and a bullet in the store’s ceiling. I’d rather part with my money that my life.” Joseph Jr. did have a gun under the counter at the time but thought of his father’s passing and decided to let the money go.