
In this article Michel Martin talks about how different women are treated in politics. “Nope, they’re doing what a lot of men can’t seem to help doing with women — a lot of throat clearing, offering compliments about her appearance and then acting like she isn’t even there”, this is a comment Michel made about Sarah Palin. Michel tells about a personal experience when dealing with a male in the house. She was seen as a women who would not understand a thing that was going on with bills and amendments. She then talks about how she is not the only female treated this way. Sarah Palin has taken many hits about being a mom or her appearance. Joe Biden jokes that one difference between the two of them is not his three decades of experience at the center of the country’s most complex issues, but that she’s better looking than he is. This is a huge example of how much respect males in office really have for women in politics. This article is very effective due to the heavily opinionated comments and all the great points made but, there are some things that could be different. There are not very many direct quotes of examples of candidates making demeaning comments about girl candidates. Also the article is kind of hard to follow and could be made easier to understand for people who are not into politics. This articles targeted audience would most likely consist of women trying to get into politics or women that are trying to take a stand in general.