The Televised Sports Manhood Formula

In this reading there were some extremely good facts and information that everyone needs to be told. One of the many important purposes of this reading was to talk about what is broadcasted on sports networks and how much of that influences boys today. Everyone knows that NFL, MLB, NBA and men’s college sports are almost always televised over women’s sports. When I read this article the facts I got were very shocking to me. Sportscenter has 2.9% of time devoted to women’s sports. This statistic really showed me that sports and athletics are really dominated by males. I learned thought that it is not only games but announcers and commentators who are also ruled by white males. Commercials are also a reinforcer that it is a man’s world. Women are almost always accompanied by men in commercials and rarely have the spotlight to themselves. A part of the reading that I was very passionate about was the women are portrayed as sexy props for men’s successful sport performances. The cheerleaders shown at football games or wrestling when the women comes out with very skimpy outfits and high heels. . I think that this idea of women as sexy props is extremely true and is seen all over. I think this article hits the nail on the head for many problems today. The audience of this article would be boys and girls that watch any sports network or just television in general. Most of everything brought up is very true and needs to be changed. To me this article was very effective because its points out so many things that I would love to be different.