
The article Sportswomanship reading was very true and real for me. This article is very informative about woman playing sports in the past and present. I believe this article was written for various reasons. One main reason is to show how women have progressed athletically in the years past. Women all around the world have gone from being divided completely from men to being able to compete in the same sports and have taken almost as big as role as many men have. Another purpose of this reading is to show how women that compete in sports have more of a masculine image. This reading was possibly aimed at young women of today’s society that compete in athletics or any physical activity. I liked many points brought up in this reading. One main point brought up was how different men and woman are when it comes to sports. Studies show that women college basketball athletes were found to have higher moral values than males. They also had higher task orientation but lower ego orientation than male players. I think that this is very true and that women are more likely to concentrate on morals and sportsmanship and that many men who play athletics have a very big ego compared to women. Another point I liked in the article was that recently sportsmanship has been declining in both male and females sports. I think that this article was very effective and brought up good history of the rise of woman’s sports and also the way female and males sports are different.