News Comment #11

University of Virginia Shooting Raises Questions of Missed Warning Signs

Michael Haggard, the lawyer who is representing the family of a victim of the University of Virginia shooting, is raising questions on whether or not the university investigated the warning signs the suspect presented thoroughly enough.

Haggard represents the family of D’Sean Perry, one of the victims killed in the shooting that took place at the University of Virginia. Perry was one of three students that were killed.

The university received a tip in September that the suspect had a gun, but after a brief investigation they learned that the suspect’s roommate had not seen a gun in the room or in his possession. The investigation did uncover that the suspect did have a concealed-weapon conviction in 2021 in a different county in Virginia.

The owner of a sporting goods store near the suspect’s hometown said that the suspect had made multiple attempts to buy guns in previous years, even after being denied twice.

This was a very well written article. The information is clear and easy to understand. I think it is an interesting topic and provides more information about a tragic event. Not only is the shooting itself tragic, but the idea that there could have been signs and action taken to prevent it just adds to the grief. This article is informing people of the UVA community and others around the country and is probably created empathy for the victims of the shooting.

One thought on “News Comment #11

  1. fuglsang

    A good follow-up, or second-day, story. There will be a number of stories attempting to explain the How and Why. Also, relevant issues for other university administrators to think about.

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