The (hopefully) interesting thoughts of a college kid.

New Rides For Local Parks

The city parks and recreation department announced today it has purchased a series of educational rides for children to use in local parks.

The total cost to buy and install these rides will be $11,000.

Among the rides being installed is the Hanging Gate, an iron pole embedded in the ground with a gate hanging from it. Children push themselves in a circle.

Another is the SuperSlide, which allows young children the thrill of sliding without having to climb a high ladder.

The money to purchase these rides was made available by Robert T. F. Ho, a local man who owned Quick Stop Laundry. His gift was made anonymous until today. Ho passed away two days ago, and the department, with approval from his widow, revealed his gift publicly.

Mrs. Ho said, “Robert always enjoyed watching the kids play in the park across the street. He felt sorry for the kids who had to wait to use the equipment, especially the little ones.”

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    Switch up the third and fifth if you go this way. After the $11,000, people might ask where it came from. Then tell them.

    You could have also gone with Ho as the lead. Local good guy keeps giving, even after death.

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