Chelsea's Blog

My thoughts of the day

Lead Practice 1

The Des Moines Iowa Highway Patrol ordered a ban of the hand-held radar guns due to a possible link between cancer the use of the radar guns.

According to the spokesman, Adam Smith, 70 handguns will be withdrawn from service and replaced with radar units mounted on the outside of the patrol cruisers. This will reduce the long-term exposure to the radiation waves emitted and perhaps extinguish the chance of a state trooper developing cancer.

Fraternity Hard Alcohol Ban

The North American Interfraternity Conference has recently voted to ban hard liquor, and anything with more than 15% alcohol, in their fraternities. The action was taken after numerous hazing incidents, involving alcohol, resulted in student deaths followed by lawsuits.
“The conference represents over 80 percent of fraternities nationwide.” The ban will take effect in an effort to create a more positive environment on over 800 college campuses.
Though it will be difficult to ensure that no alcohol over 15% is brought onto the campus, the ban is a step in the right direction towards a safer environment for students.


Source: New York Times

Jennifer Hernandez

Jennifer Hernandez was born and raised in Southern California with her two younger sisters, Leslie(18) and Jessica (14). This past June Jen celebrated her 21st birthday while home for the summer, but has returned to Sioux City to continue working towards her business degree.

After graduation, Jennifer plans to return to Cali where she will possibly pursue a career in advertising while working with her father part-time in his computer programing business.

Aside from her future plans, Jen enjoys spending time with her friends and going on walks. Her spirit animal is Pheobe Buffet, from the show Friends, and one of her favorite quotes includes: “if you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows… please give me money so I can buy a computer’ “HA. College.” -Jennifer Hernandez

Speaking of Pheobe, Jen has found music to be a passion of hers. Specifically enjoying the period of time in which she played classical guitar.

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