Trust is DEEP

There was once this “friend/teammate” in my life; we’ll name her Debra. She lied to me, used me, manipulated me, and destroyed me for 2 years. Because of everything this one single person did, I lost trust in a lot of people. Trust is a huge part of my life, and it’s very hard for people to gain out of me. It’s also very hard for me to keep tryst in someone. Trust for me is a very deep and important part of my life.

Trust is being able to put your own life in the hands of someone else. It’s putting your whole heart and every ounce of emotion into the other person’s hands. I don’t like talking about trust, because my opinion on it is far form a lot of the average populations opinion. I get criticized for being so harsh on my friends when it comes to trusting them. But how hard or easy your life is, is how hard and east it is to keep trust and get trust in a person. Trust is a very person-to-person topic.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t simple, not so deep trust. It can be simple, less deep situations. For example, I trust my teachers will teach me everything I need to know to graduate on time and help me achieve a successful career. That’s not something that needs to build or can be lost with the snap of m fingers. I know teachers know what they are doing; I’ve also never had a problem with them before. I know teachers know what they are doing; they have a career to prove it. Where my friends and family only have their word to give and sometimes their actions. I could go on about trust, but I got my own personal opinion across and I know I can’t help the way I look at trust.

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