Story #3/ Broadcast

jeicy profile

Jeicy is a transfer junior from Peru South America. She is only 19 years old and came to America to live the dream her father didn’t get to live, college in the states. She has everyday struggles like any other college student but add on family matters and her world is a lot more complicated then yours and mine. This whole experience has made her family much closer.

private college

Private college rates are higher then public college rates because of the size and the class. This is all proven to be true in the data that Liz Koop CEO of EducationQuest Foundation in Lincoln Nebraska (which is a non-profit organization). Liz Koop specializes in college planning and helps high school students in Nebraska get into college, even if their family can’t financially afford it.

student athlete

Student athletes struggle everyday with school and their sports just to keep their scholarship and to be able to stay in school. They work 30 to 40 hours a week just on school and sports, which adds up to a regular full time job.

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