Wedding Gone Wrong

Newly weds break out into a fight that leads to the bride being shot by the groom. Richard Brunson age 50 and new wife Laurette Kenny Brunson age 38 got into a fight at their wedding reception. Laurette threw her plate of macaroni salad at Richard and Richard in return shoots her in the abdomen with his .22-calibre handgun. The couple had only been living together for 4 or 5 months prior to getting married.

“I heard the sound of the shot, or I think I did. It was kinda a pop pop pop and the son comes out yellin she’s been shot and cant breathe.” Said Walter Corse, one of their neighbors.

Laurette is at St. Luke’s hospital and she’s in satisfactory condition. Also the whereabouts of the groom are still unknown. Laurette had nothing to say to the press after the incident occurred.

One of their neighbors Michael Martin said “I’ve never seen him violent, never heard them yelling, it blows me away”

If you have any information on the location of Richard Brunson please contact the police.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on October 28th, 2013

    The first sentence might be OK as a lead. But from there go to the most current info you have: Wife in hospital, man on the run. Then go to a recap of events. It’s a circular style of writing. You start at the end, then go back to the beginning and recap events.