New Comment 10-22-2013

New Article

This was a very well done article in my opinion. It had everything quotes, video, pictures, lots of information. It was a longer article but all the paragraphs were short”er”. The topic being such a serious topic it needed to be long to get all the information out. So I didn’t have a problem with it being so long. Sometimes articles get to be to long and I start to read them as blah blah blah but this one had my attention the whole time. The lead was good…a little typical for a school shooting. The title got my attention for then anything.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on October 28th, 2013

    There do seem to be a lot of quotes, and from a variety of people. From a Senator down to the eyewitnesses. I’m curious how this changed over time.