CR: Introducing Channing Pick

Channing Pick is 19 years old from Le Mars Iowa who is a girl of many talents. Pick was in show choir in high school and continued with singing into college and is in Jazz Choir which is the top Choir at Morningside. Channing also in musical inclined. In high school she was in band and plays, also was apart of speech.

At Morningside she will be very busy having a double major in corporate communications and business administration. Channing does plan on getting her masters. She is also all over campus helping with the OSA orientation and helped with the freshmen orientation.

After college she wants to live the dream life of being famous and making a lot of money, while living in the city that never sleeps, New York City. You can find Pick all over campus working on her double major, but that doesn’t stop her from being apart of different organizations.

2 Comments so far

  1.   fuglsang on September 3rd, 2013

    You have a “theme” here, Caitlin. Do you see it? What ties the story together? Channing is “busy.” Use that from the beginning of the story to organize the information. You’ll need to proofread much more intentionally. Lots of sentence structure issues.

  2.   fuglsang on September 4th, 2013

    No objective/subjective description?