Hold the Reddit hype

Everything that happened with the Reddit ordeal just shows how anyone can say anything about anything and put it out in the media, you don’t have to be a news writer or even out of college! If you have the internet and find your way inside you can get to the bottom of the truth which is exactly what this 18 year old did with the Colorado Batman movie shooting. You don’t have to be a pro investigator! But people need to realize and understand right away what information they are reading is right or wrong, or the truth of a lie! Instead people believe everything they read online! Which is wrong!! Prime example in the article. They had suspects from the movie theater who were the wrong people to look at and for a while the wrong person was being accused but people still believed what they were reading, when really they should have believed the more accountable sources.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on September 3rd, 2013

    This suggests more education for the readers than the writers.