Steven Postolka Interview

On Tuesday September, 29th our class got the opportunity to interview Steven Postolka, current lawyer for the city of Siouxland.

Steven Postolka graduated from Morningside College in 2011 with a degree in both political science and mass communication. After that, he pursued law school at the University of Iowa and studied for 3 year there. Once he passed the bar exam he spent under 2 years in Sioux City at a clerkship, before moving to Spencer, Iowa to practice private law.

Growing up in a small town called Sioux Rapids, Postolka had big aspirations to be a lawyer when he was in middle school. When he reached high school he decided that law school wasn’t for him and decided he wanted to be a journalist. However, when he got to Morningside, a professor that Steven Postolka grew close with over the years insisted that he went to some sort of graduate school. Postolka decided that following his old dreams of being a lawyer was his best choice, so decided to do that.

After practicing private law in Spencer for 4 years, Postolka got a great opportunity to be an attorney for Sioux City. He started earlier this year and, simply put, he protects Sioux City from when they get sued from people. Every year, Sioux city gets sued tens of thousands of times with some of the serious cases being an excess of $1 million dollars.

When asked about the stress level from his private law job compared to his new job he said, “The stress level is different from Spencer to Sioux City. It’s less stressful being on salary. There is no incentives. I get paid the same no matter what.”

While Postolka has seen a downshift in his amount of work this year due to the pandemic, he is preparing for a big trial that he speculates will make its way all the way to the courtroom in early December.

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