News Comment #6

September 28, 2020

For this week I chose the article “Pandemic overwhelms Trump’s message in critical N. Carolina” written by Steven Peoples. In this article it mentions how Trump is trying to fill a supreme court vacancy, but also how he is trying to win North Carolina in election. North Carolina is a swing state and a lot of people are not happy with how Trump is handling the pandemic, especially suburban women. The article also mentions how Trumps daughter, Lara, and Mike Pence have both been down to North Carolina multiple times to talk to the people and pull them to their side.

This article relates to what we discuss in class because it is not written the best. The very first paragraph talks about the supreme court vacancy after Ginsberg’s death. Why is that the first paragraph if that has nothing to do with the rest of the article? It just confused and then the second paragraph also gave me almost no information about the article. I almost didn’t want to continue because of that second paragraph, made it sound like we were going into a story with how descriptive it was. Overall, I just think the structure of this article is not great for giving information, which is also really poor because the article was written by a “National Political Writer.”

One Response to “News Comment #6”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    It is a strange lead, Ashley. The writer is trying to summarize all the issues Trump is addressing this week, which is confusing. The lead should have been clearer that this is a story about political opinion in the suburbs.

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