News Comment #2

August 31, 2020

For this weeks article, I chose to read, “Democrats warn Trump’s visit to Kenosha ‘fanning the flames’” written by John Parkinson. In this article it discusses the shooting that happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It talks about how Trump wants to come and talk to the people protesting and assess the damage of Kenosha, however, a lot of democrats do not want him to do that. They say he will just make it worse and make people angrier, while republicans say that Trump just wats to visit hurting Americans.

I chose this article because it discusses two points that we have discussed in class lately: objectivity and inflame vs inform. I am not sure we discussed inflame vs inform, but it was on the board and this article makes a lot of sense. Basically stating that this information given should inform the people, not make them more angry. With Trump trying to show up to talk to the protestors, he is just going to make them even more angry and none of them will listen to what he has to say. Objectivity comes in to play when the governors are talking Trump, saying that Trump is only there to egg on protestors and make it worse. That information is opinionated because how do they know Trump is only there to do that? It is interesting to see how the governors try to push their opinions on the public.

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